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StandardCopyright (c) 2016 by Greg Lindy. All rights reserved.Fabriga MediumRegular1.002;LUX ;FabrigaMedium1.002FabrigaMediumFabriga is a trademark of Lux Typographic + DesignLux Typographic + DesignGreg Lindyhttp://luxtypo.comLuxTypo. End User License Agreement / Version 2.01, 2015.05 This is an agreement between you, the purchaser, and LuxTypo. In accepting the terms of this agreement, you acknowledge understanding and promise to comply with its terms. If you do not accept the terms, please do not complete the purchase transaction. You may purchase licensing on behalf of another organization, but you must share this end user license agreement with that organization. What you are purchasing from LuxTypo. is the license to use digital typeface software - hereafter fonts - on a certain number of computers within the licensee organization. You are not purchasing the copyright to the design of the fonts, but the rights to use the fonts. The fonts are provided in CFF-flavored OpenType (OTF) format. Additional formats are available upon request, and may require the purchase of supplemental licensing. When purchasing licensing for fonts, you may use the fonts on the maximum number of computers within your organization as specified in the license table. You can extend your license at any time, which allows you to use the fonts on additional computers. All font licensing is one-time, perpetual, and extendable. The fonts may be embedded in secure read-only documents, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), Flash files (including sIFR), Word or PowerPoint. The fonts may not be used with any web font replacement technologies without the purchase of supplemental web font licensing. Web fonts are provided in WOFF and EOT formats. The fonts may not be used in any standalone software packages, such as iOS or Android applications, without the purchase of supplemental dynamic embedding licensing. You may not distribute the fonts to people outside of your organization. A copy of the fonts may be sent as part of a file release to a prepress bureau, if absolutely necessary. You may not modify, convert, adapt, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer or create derivative works of the fonts without written consent. We have done everything we can to produce our fonts to the highest and most up-to-date technical standards, and we test the fonts extensively in the latest versions of technically-compliant applications. If you do experience any difficulties with our fonts, we will work with you to resolve any technical issues in the fonts. If, after we have worked to resolve any technical issues, you are still not satisfied with our software, we will be pleased to refund your money, which shall be the limit of our liability in this transaction. For any licensing situations not covered in this agreement, please contact us. We grant the rights of use of our fonts to you in good faith, and request that you adhere to the terms of this agreement to the best of your ability, and in good faith.Copyright (c) 2016 by Greg Lindy. All rights reserved.Fabriga MediumRegular1.002;LUX ;FabrigaMedium1.002FabrigaMediumFabriga is a trademark of Lux Typographic + DesignLux Typographic + DesignGreg Lindyhttp://luxtypo.comLuxTypo. End User License Agreement / Version 2.01, 2015.05 This is an agreement between you, the purchaser, and LuxTypo. In accepting the terms of this agreement, you acknowledge understanding and promise to comply with its terms. If you do not accept the terms, please do not complete the purchase transaction. You may purchase licensing on behalf of another organization, but you must share this end user license agreement with that organization. What you are purchasing from LuxTypo. is the license to use digital typeface software - hereafter fonts  - on a certain number of computers within the licensee organization. You are not purchasing the copyright to the design of the fonts, but the rights to use the fonts. The fonts are provided in CFF-flavored OpenType (OTF) format. Additional formats are available upon request, and may require the purchase of supplemental licensing. When purchasing licensing for fonts, you may use the fonts on the maximum number of computers within your organization as specified in the license table. You can extend your license at any time, which allows you to use the fonts on additional computers. All font licensing is one-time, perpetual, and extendable. The fonts may be embedded in secure read-only documents, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), Flash files (including sIFR), Word or PowerPoint. The fonts may not be used with any web font replacement technologies without the purchase of supplemental web font licensing. Web fonts are provided in WOFF and EOT formats. The fonts may not be used in any standalone software packages, such as iOS or Android applications, without the purchase of supplemental dynamic embedding licensing. You may not distribute the fonts to people outside of your organization. A copy of the fonts may be sent as part of a file release to a prepress bureau, if absolutely necessary. You may not modify, convert, adapt, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer or create derivative works of the fonts without written consent. We have done everything we can to produce our fonts to the highest and most up-to-date technical standards, and we test the fonts extensively in the latest versions of technically-compliant applications. If you do experience any difficulties with our fonts, we will work with you to resolve any technical issues in the fonts. If, after we have worked to resolve any technical issues, you are still not satisfied with our software, we will be pleased to refund your money, which shall be the limit of our liability in this transaction. For any licensing situations not covered in this agreement, please contact us. We grant the rights of use of our fonts to you in good faith, and request that you adhere to the terms of this agreement to the best of your ability, and in good faith.FabrigaMedium6$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=bc d  e  f !"g#$%&'()*+,-./01h23456789:;<=>?DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]ijklmn@ABCDEFoGpqrsHIJKLMNOPtuvwQRSTUVWXYZ[\]x^_`ayz{|}bcdefghijklmnop~qrstuvwxyz{|}~ C"?_ >@^` AaB #      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? !@ABCDEFuni00A0AmacronAbreve AringacuteAogonekAEacute Ccircumflex CdotaccentDcaronDcroatEcaronEmacron EdotaccentEogonek Gcircumflex Gdotaccentuni0122 HcircumflexHbarItildeImacronIbreveIogonek Jcircumflexuni0136LacuteLcaronuni013BLdotNacuteNcaronuni0145EngObreveOmacron Ohungarumlaut OslashacuteRacuteRcaronuni0156Sacute Scircumflexuni0218uni015ETcaronuni021Auni0162TbarUtildeUringUmacronUbreve UhungarumlautUogonekWacuteWgrave Wcircumflex WdieresisYgrave YcircumflexZacute Zdotaccentamacronabreve aringacuteaogonekaeacute ccircumflex cdotaccentdcaronecaronemacron edotaccenteogonek gcircumflex gdotaccentuni0123 hcircumflexhbaritildeimacronibrevei.dotiogonekuni0237 jcircumflexuni0137lacutelcaronuni013Cldotnacutencaronuni0146 napostropheengobreveomacron ohungarumlaut oslashacuteracutercaronuni0157sacute scircumflexuni0219uni015Ftcaronuni021Buni0163tbarutildeuringumacronubreve uhungarumlautuogonekwacutewgrave wcircumflex wdieresisygrave ycircumflexzacute zdotaccenta.hist aacute.hist agrave.histacircumflex.histadieresis.hist atilde.hist aring.hist amacron.hist abreve.histaringacute.hist aogonek.histg.histgcircumflex.hist gbreve.histgdotaccent.hist uni0123.histy.hist yacute.hist ygrave.histycircumflex.histydieresis.histuniE181 a.superior b.superior c.superior d.superior e.superior f.superior g.superior h.superior i.superior j.superior k.superior l.superior m.superior n.superior o.superior p.superior q.superior r.superior s.superior t.superior u.superior v.superior w.superior x.superior y.superior z.superiorf_bf_f_bf_ff_hf_f_hf_f_if_jf_f_jf_kf_f_kf_f_lf_tf_f_t f_dotlessi f_f_dotlessif_t_tt_t caron.Slovak invertedbreve doublegrave uni00200326 cedilla.altuni0323uni0329 macronbelowuni0313 acute.cap grave.capcircumflex.cap dieresis.cap tilde.capring.cap caron.cap macron.cap breve.capinvertedbreve.caphungarumlaut.capdoublegrave.cap dotaccent.capexclamdown.capquestiondown.capuni201Buni201Fguilsinglleft.capguilsinglright.capguillemotleft.capguillemotright.capuni2016periodcentered.cap hyphen.cap endash.cap emdash.cap parenleft.capparenright.capbracketleft.capbracketright.cap braceleft.capbraceright.caplowlineuniFF3Funi2034at.capregistered.superioruni2117uni2120Eurouni0192uni20A9 zero.slashzero.LTone.LTtwo.LTthree.LTfour.LTfive.LTsix.LTseven.LTeight.LTnine.LTuni2070uni00B9uni00B2uni00B3uni2074uni2075uni2076uni2077uni2078uni2079uni207Auni207Buni207Cuni207Duni207Euni2080uni2081uni2082uni2083uni2084uni2085uni2086uni2087uni2088uni2089uni208Auni208Buni208Cuni208Duni208Ezero.infone.inftwo.inf three.inffour.inffive.infsix.inf seven.inf eight.infnine.infplus.inf minus.inf equal.inf parenleft.infparenright.infuni00BCuni00BDuni00BEuni2116 estimateduni2190uni2192uni2191uni2193uni2196uni2197uni2198uni2199uni25CFuni25CBuni2022uni26ACuni25A0uni25A1uni25AAuni25ABuni00B5uni2113uni2206uni2126f.liguni2009 .ttfautohintideoromnDFLTlatn Q hDFLTlatnAZE $CRT ,ROM 4TRK <kern&kern&kern&kern&kern&kern& r^j`jx``````````jjjjxxxx>666B,66<BHRXbp   l^ r^  P ^ h^|Z,   &.0HHKKMMT]__)c}*EFIJLNRTUbcnx  57>?lmppuv{|t(jttttj S     G`tB     lmp{|!56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGP<<<<<<<<<<<<<     56789:;<=>?@ABCDEF !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234  ``B tt  !"#$%&HU )*+,-9:;<TUVWXYZ[\]^((     O )*+,-9:;<TUVWXYZ[\]^((     ((((((} )*+,-9:;<TUVWXYZ[\]^lmnopqrstu                         ((7((     $%)jK? 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