Consultation has concluded
Council invites you to have your say on the following proposed amendments:
Draft changes to Part B11 (Tree Preservation Order)
The Draft Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment No. 3), which proposes certain draft changes to Part B11 (Tree Preservation Order). The intended outcome of the draft changes is to ensure Part B11 is consistent with the objectives of Bankstown LEP 2015 and Bankstown DCP 2015, and continues to meet community needs.
Proposed new fee in Council's Fees & Charges
All applicants have the right to review their TPO application. The proposition by Council is to implement a formal two stage review process. The first review will be free of charge and will not require the applicant to provide any additional supporting information.
If an applicant would like to undertake a second review of their application it is proposed to introduce a new fee as detailed below. The second review must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation such as an arborist report, structural engineer report, or similar provided by the applicant.
Further information on the Improved TPO Application Review Process can be found in a report presented at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 25 August 2015.
Draft Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment No. 3)
Please submit your opinions to certain draft changes to Part B11 (Tree Preservation Order) and the proposed new fee in Council's Fees & Charges.
Submissions close on 14 October 2015.
Consultation has concluded