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Come say hello to the Community Engagement team!

If you come across our friendly staff at any of our events or spot the #CBKombi driving by your neighbourhood, we invite you to join us for a chat. We will be able to discuss upcoming projects that are happening around the city as well as take any feedback on any community matters concerning you.


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The team

Siobhan Jordan

Siobhan Jordan

Coordinator Community Engagement
Mitchell O'Gorman

Mitchell O'Gorman

Senior Community Engagement Officer
Stella Jean-Louis

Stella Jean-Louis

Community Engagement Officer
Joey Qiu

Joey Qiu

Community Engagement Officer

The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.