Consultation has concluded


Exhibition of amendments to the works program for the Canterbury Development Contributions Plan 2013.

An interim review of the 2013 Canterbury Development Contributions Plan Works Program has been undertaken to ensure the proposed program of works reflects current priorities for local infrastructure projects. The document's predominant updates are to the Open Space Embellishment Program of Works, which can be viewed on pages 62 - 64 of the plan.

We invite you to have your say on the proposed changes as part of the interim review of the 2013 Canterbury Development Contributions Plan Works Program.

The document is on public exhibition until 4 June 2020.

You are encouraged to read the document to see if there are any impacts relevant to you.

Written submissions will be accepted until 5pm on 4 June 2020.

Exhibition Period

The exhibition period for this document was on exhibition until 5pm on Thursday 4 June 2020.

How to have your say

Thank you to all those who have provided their feedback. Submissions are now closed and under review with Council.

For more information

If you have any questions or to discuss this plan, please contact the Forward Works Planning Coordinator - 02 9707 9796