

24 May 2017

Following the resolution of the September 2016 Ordinary Meeting to undertake a review of Council’s Section 356 Financial Assistance Fund and in preparing an aligned policy position, it was determined that in order for the allocation of public funds to be made in an equitable and transparent matter, future funding arrangements should be centred on the following key principles:

  • Community benefit
  • Fair and equitable
  • Transparent
  • Management of conflicts of interest
  • Hardship assistance
  • Targeted needs based assessment criteria.
The Policy establishes the annual Community Grants and Events Sponsorhip Program as Council’s primary means of providing financial assistance to eligible community groups and organisations that contribute to community wellbeing in the Canterbury-Bankstown Local Government Area (LGA). The Policy applies to all financial assistance requests received by Council including financial and in-kind support, donations, grants, subsidies, fee waivers and other requests for assistance that come before Council. Please note that the provisions of the Policy will not allocate funding for individuals and schools.

Previously, both former Councils contained a good system of financial assistance, supported by relevant grants and donations policies. This aligned Community Grants and Event Sponsorship Policy enhances these previous policies and practices, in line with Council’s key principles related to equity and transparency when making and administering grants.

Council will only provide funding under this Policy if it is satisfied that the funding will be used for a purpose that is in the best interests of the community of Canterbury-Bankstown. The Policy will be supported by detailed Community Grants and Events Sponsorship Program Guidelines, with applicants required to address criteria and priority outcomes in their application.

To ensure the appropriate governance arrangements are in place to assess applications under this Policy, Council will establish a comprehensive assessment process involving:

  • Council officers with a strong understanding of local community needs;
  • An independent probity adviser, appointed by Council, to advise on the deliberation and assessment process; and
  • Councillors.
Funding from Council’s former donation programs will be consolidated into the Community Grants and Events Sponsorship Program in order to maximise community benefit and ensure a suitable allocation of funds that can be equitably distributed based on assessment criteria.

The draft Policy provides Council with the ability to make donations to appeals for emergency relief and subject to approval, waive the payment of fees and charges to applications by local RSL Clubs conducting Remembrance Services in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA.