Consultation has concluded

Draft Community Participation Plan and associated amendments to the Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 and Canterbury Development Control Plan 2012

Community input and participation is crucial for creating great places and thriving communities across Canterbury-Bankstown. The Community Participation Plan is an invitation to the community to participate in planning and, provides guidance for how the community can have a say on different types of planning documents, on a general scale (for example, draft Local Environmental Plans) or on a site-specific scale (for example, DAs).

Last year, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 was amended to require all planning authorities (councils) to prepare a Community Participation Plan (CPP) outlining how they will engage with their respective community in carrying out their planning functions.

The planning functions for Council include:

  • Assessment and determination of Development Applications (DA);
  • Planning proposals and contributions plans;
  • Strategic planning statements; and
  • Entering into voluntary planning agreements (VPA).

The CPP will not relate to any other functions of Council and must be published by December 2019.

The following Development Control Plan amendments are also being exhibited, to reflect the implementation of the Community Participation Plan:

  • Deletion of Section 3 of the Introduction of Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 – Public notification of development; and
  • Deletion of Section A3 of the Canterbury DCP 2012 – Notification and Advertising.

The draft DCP amendments are attached for public comment.

How are you currently notified and consulted?

How Council engages on these matters is outlined in the Bankstown and Canterbury Development Control Plans for DA matters, or in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and associated Regulations for strategic planning matters. The CPP will consolidate our engagement planning matters into a single document and it will supersede the current DCP provisions for notification and advertising in the Canterbury and Bankstown DCPs. The draft CPP has taken a ‘best practice approach’ and where there has been inconsistencies, it incorporates new minimum standards set out in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Where can I view copies of the draft CPP and draft amendments to the Bankstown and Canterbury DCPs?

Printed copies of the draft plan are also available at Council’s Bankstown and Campsie Customer Service Centres and at

The exhibition period

Council opened the Community Participation Plan on Monday July 1 and was closed Wednesday 31 July 2019.

How do I provide feedback?

Thank you to all those who have provided their feedback. Submissions are now closed and under review with Council.

If you would like to discuss this draft plan, call Council’s Engagement Team on 9707 9602.


Submission - Community Participation Plan

Consultation has concluded.