Consultation has concluded

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Along with all the Cooks River Alliance councils, Canterbury-Bankstown Council is committed to improving the health of the Cooks River Catchment and local waterways.

This Cooks River Alliance survey is to help guide the Cooks River Catchment Coastal Management Program (CMP). We want to understand what you value about the Cooks River and Botany Bay areas, their wetlands and smaller creeks and drains that flow into them. It will help us plan well for works and services along the river and in the catchments.

Tell us about:

  • the waterway places you value and what you value there.
  • the things to change and improve in and around the waterways.
  • the most important things for future catchment management.

In 2019, the Cooks River Alliance partners, Sydney Water and the City of Sydney, with catchment community groups, completed the CMP’s Stage 1 Scoping Study.

In Stage 2, we are doing detailed studies to ensure that we have the right information to deliver actions that support people, places and the environment in the Cooks River Catchment and Botany.

Win a prize!

Do this survey to go in the draw for one of five $100 vouchers.

Cooks River Catchment

Waterways in the Cooks River CMP study area

How to have your say

You are invited to have your say by completing this survey. If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact the project officers listed on this page.

Contact Information
Name Thomas Sinclair
Phone 9707 5723

Community Survey

Thank you for all the contributions made. Submissions are now closed.

CBCity 2028 Destinations

Here's how this projects helps to deliver our Community Strategic Plan.
Clean and Green

Clean and Green

A clean and sustainable city with healthy waterways and natural areas.

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Safe and Strong

Safe and Strong

A proud inclusive community that unites, celebrates and cares.

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Moving and Integrated

Moving and Integrated

An accessible city with great local destinations and many options to get there.

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Healthy and Active

Healthy and Active

A motivated city that nurtures healthy minds and bodies.

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Livable and Distinctive

Livable and Distinctive

A well designed, attractive city which preserves the identity and character of local villages.

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Leading and Engaged

Leading and Engaged

A well–governed city with brave and future–focused leaders who listen.

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