
Thanks for having your say!

20 November 2023

Thank you for having your say on the new play space at Deepwater Park!

You’ve provided us with some great feedback on what new play equipment you’d like to see as well as your suggestions for other improvements to Deepwater Park.

And a special thanks to our friends and future play space users at Cub-Bee House for your participation. Your votes have made a difference!

Designing with the community…

Community pop-up

What we heard:

  • Play equipment preferences

As inclusive play equipment, we will install the sway fun glider. The we-go-round spinner did get two more votes, however recent safety concerns have been raised about this type of equipment, so we prioritised community safety.

Sway Fun Glider
  • You’d like to see more resources invested in Deepwater Park, including upgrading facilities such as the toilets. Council is currently looking into upgrading these and we’ll keep you posted.
  • Many people don’t know about the play space, so we have some work to do to promote Deepwater Park and what it has to offer.

Based on your feedback we’ve developed the concept design below.

Thank you for your participation in this project. We’ll update you again when the park is being constructed.

How did we do?

Complete the survey to provide feedback on the engagement process.