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Consultation has concluded

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Street food culture is one of the many things that makes Canterbury-Bankstown vibrant. It is an opportunity for businesses to grow, communities to express their culture and showcase different foods. Street food activities in Canterbury-Bankstown occur during festivals and events and may involve barbecue cooking. Recently, there has been growing interest from local food businesses to carry out barbecue cooking on footpaths for commercial purposes.

The draft Footpath Barbecue Policy (Policy) explains how Council will manage and license specific areas outside of already approved food businesses. This allows these businesses to use footpaths to prepare barbecued food, while still ensuring it meets public safety, hygiene and accessibility standards.

This Policy aims to balance public and commercial uses by providing guidelines for designing, positioning and arranging street spaces and the businesses allowed there.

Council is committed to providing residents, businesses and visitors with an inclusive, engaging and vibrant city which responsibly manages the shared use of its public spaces.

This Policy is relevant to the Safe and Strong section of the CBCity 2036 Community Strategic Plan. This Policy also is supported by the following Council documents:

  • Local Strategic Planning Statement Connective City 2036, which sets the vision for land uses in Canterbury-Bankstown until 2036. Action 3.8 (page 53) seeks ways to enhance local economic activity in centres and suburban areas.
  • Operational Plan 2024/25 (page 116), which seeks ways to provide local business support and a diverse range of dining experiences in a manner that responsibly manages the shared use of public spaces.

This Policy applies to the management and licencing of the commercial use of footways on land under the care and control of Council only. Please read this Policy in conjunction with the Commercial Use of Footways Policy and Guidelines. It does not apply to footpaths which are not under the care and control of the Council.

This Policy aims to manage the commercial use of footways for the purposes of preparation of barbecued food to:

  • Maintain public safety;
  • Ensure equitable access;
  • Develop vibrant, open and multifaceted street life;
  • Provide an attractive city while keeping the local character;
  • Support economic vitality and local commercial development;
  • Balance the use of the public space;
  • Maintain and improve amenity;
  • Maintain effective footways management; and
  • Ensure the protection of permanent infrastructure.

The Policy will only apply to approved food businesses and will require applicants to also apply for a licence under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.

If approved, the Policy will be trailed for 12 months and applicants must comply with the requirements of the Policy, licence approval and other relevant legislation such as the Liquor Act 2007, Smoke Free Environment Act 2000 and Food Act 2003.

The Policy includes eligibility criteria and obligations under a Footpath Barbecue Licence Agreement.

To cover the cost of the application process and licence agreement the proposed following fees will be introduced.


Proposed fee

Application fee


Annual licence fee during the 12-month trial period



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Friday 25 October 2024 - Friday 22 November 2024

    Public exhibition

    Draft plan on public exhibition for community feedback.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Friday 22 November 2024 5:00PM


    Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Review of public feedback

    Public feedback on the plan will be considered and incorporated where appropriate.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Report to Council

    The draft Footpath Barbecue Policy was endorsed and adopted by Council at the 3 December 2024 Ordinary Meeting. See Agenda/Minutes, Item 7.1.

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The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.