Past consultations

The following provides an outline of earlier concepts, consultations and plans considered for Ewen Park and the Hurlstone Park area.

As you may be aware, the former Canterbury City Council developed concepts for the replacement of the Lang Road pedestrian-cyclist bridge and a community facility at Ewen Park. We understand only limited community consultation was undertaken in relation to these concepts.

The merging of the two councils triggered a review of all future works proposals and at this time, the new Council made the decision not to progress the bridge and community facility concepts and to re-think and develop a plan for the upgrade of Ewen Park.

In 2018, the Ewen Park Improvement Plan showcased a program of upgrades proposed for the Park over the next 20 years that included the replacement of the Lang Road pedestrian-cyclist bridge with a new kayak launch platform, the Lang Road to Younger Avenue footpath connection, a new layout for the park and a community facility. Community consultation for the draft Plan was hosted from 28 November 2018 to 30 January 2019. 244 submissions were received.

The community feedback from this exhibition was reviewed and at the April 2019 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved:

  • To progress the Lang Road bridge concept to design and construction;
  • Due to flooding concerns Ewen Park was not a suitable location for an enclosed community facility;
  • Hurlstone Memorial Park (on Crinan Street) was the preferred location for an enclosed community facility in Hurlstone Park and, work was to commence on developing a concept design for the facility;
  • Ewen Park would be the location for an Outdoor Education place and this facility would be a covered outdoor space with seating and landscaping to complement the bridge upgrade and create an area for local groups to gather and enjoy the Cooks River; and
  • Concept designs for the Hurlstone Memorial Park Meeting Place and the Ewen Park Outdoor Education space were to be developed and placed on exhibition for the Hurlstone Park community to review and provide feedback.
  • View this report (in full) at the April 2019 Ordinary Meeting.

    Community consultation for the Memorial Reserve Community Space was placed on exhibition from 5 March to 19 March 2020; 26 detailed submissions and approximately 200 comments were received.