Consultation has concluded
The Greater Sydney Commission is holding a series of community engagement events across Greater Sydney to informing planning for your District. Residents are encouraged to get involved with the Commission’s work.
The Commission has been talking with, and listening to, stakeholders to guide our planning for Greater Sydney over the next 20 and 40 years.
The Commission invites you to attend their community drop-in session on Monday, 28 November from 6pm – 9pm at Club Central, 2 Crofts Avenue, Hurstville, to find out more about planning for Sydney’s long-term future, and how to provide feedback.
The Greater Sydney Commission is working across state and local government, business and the community to create a Greater Sydney for all – now and into the future – through a district planning process. Draft District Plans are now on exhibition 2016 until the end of March 2017. This is just the beginning. In 2017, the Commission will draw on this work to review the Greater Sydney Region Plan – A Plan for Growing Sydney – which we aim to release by the end of 2017, along with the District Plans. The timing and approach on the revised plan will align with reviews of The Long-Term Transport Masterplan 2012 and Rebuilding NSW – State Infrastructure Strategy 2014.
You are able to provide a formal submission or feedback at, or
Greater Sydney Commission – draft District Plan, PO Box 257, Parramatta NSW 2124