Consultation has concluded

Council invites you to have your say on a planning proposal to amend Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015. The planning proposal applies to the former City of Bankstown.

What is the Intended Outcome of the planning proposal?

The intended outcome of this planning proposal is to implement certain housekeeping amendments following a periodic LEP review. It is noted that Council has delegation to make the LEP.

What are the Proposed Amendments?

The proposed amendments include amending the land use table to permit home businesses with consent, amending the objectives in relation to subdivision and lot sizes in the suburban neighbourhoods, and removing the exempt subdivision provisions in relation to dual occupancies.

You are encouraged to read the planning proposal to see if there are any proposals relevant to you.

When is the exhibition and how can I make a submission?

The planning proposal will be on exhibition until 2 May 2018, and can be viewed at and Council’s Bankstown Customer Service Centre, 66-72 Rickard Road in Bankstown (weekdays 8:30 am to 5pm).

Written submissions must be received by 2 May 2018 via:

  • Post: The General Manager, Canterbury - Bankstown Council, PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885
  • Online:
  • Email:

Make a Submission

Online Submission

Thank you for your interest in the Housekeeping Amendments to Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015. Please continue to make a submission.

Consultation has concluded.