Consultation has concluded
Canterbury Bankstown Council is committed to implementing the Child Safe Standards of the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian. These standards were developed following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses into Child Sexual Abuse. A Bill to introduce the Child Safe Standards into legislation is currently sitting with Parliament.
A key part of implementing the standards is to ensure Council has child safe policies, procedures and a code of conduct in place. These documents will help ensure the safety of children in our services by promoting child safe practices. Some policies and procedures already exist and are being reviewed, and if necessary updated to make sure they meet best practice standards for child safety.
The two attached child safe documents are newly developed. The Child Safe Code of Conduct outlines acceptable and unacceptable behaviours around children for all Council staff, and the Child Safety and Well-being Policy provides an overview of how a culture of safety is, and will continue to be, embedded throughout the organisation.
These two documents are designed to not only inform Council staff, but to also promote information about child safety to the community. We would appreciate input from the community to review these documents, and ensure they are clear and inclusive.
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions and health concerns, we will not be hosting face-to-face community information sessions. Printed copies of the documents will not be available at Libraries and Customer Service Centres.
Mayoral Minute - Child Safety Standards
How to have your say
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.
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