
Thank you for having your say on the draft concept design for Lakemba Lights

9 September 2021

This project will deliver upgrades to the Lakemba Town Centre, at the intersection of Haldon and Oneata Streets. We’re making our Town Centre safer and more attractive for locals and visitors to boost local business.

When we spoke to people and businesses last year, it was clear the Lakemba Town Centre needed a facelift including an improved pedestrian experience and more friendly for our community. We plan on doing this by:

  • widening the footpath;
  • increasing landscaping and tree canopy;
  • providing better seating and shelter;
  • providing art-effect lighting; and
  • modifying the traffic environment to enhance pedestrian safety

Home of the biggest Ramadan Festival in Australia and longest multi-night evening event in Sydney, the Ramadan Nights Markets in Lakemba brings people in from across Sydney. These changes will create a more comfortable space to host the markets and for the broader community.

The draft concept design and its accompanying documents were exhibited from Wednesday 23 June to Wednesday 14 July 2021, with great interest and appreciation from the community.

Key concerns raised over the engagement period include:


Your comments are currently being considered by the project team in the finalisation of the concept designs. Construction is expected to begin in late 2021/early 2022, dependant on COVID-19 restrictions.

Thank you for your support and engagement with this project.