Consultation has concluded
Council has been successful in receiving much needed funds under the Safer Speeds in High Pedestrian Activity and Local Areas Program for 2020-21. Council is proposing to use this money towards mitigating several safety issues in the Narwee Town Centre.
The Safer Speeds Program specifically targets High Pedestrian Activity and local areas where crashes occur, with funding introduced as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to reduce accidents on local roads. Programs of this sort are very effective, by implementing relatively minor road improvements, we can save the community a greater cost burden.
This Proposal
The proposed changes are listed below and shown on the attached plan CBC01159:
- Hannans Road between Broadarrow Road and Nanowie Street proposed devices:
- One (1) entry threshold (raised), west of Nirimba Avenue, to slow down motorists entering the 40kph High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA)
- One (1) raised threshold, west of Station Lane
- One (1) raised threshold in midblock between Penshurst Road and Broadarrow Road
- Nirimba Avenue proposed devices:
- An entry threshold (raised) at Hannans Road
- Station Lane proposed device:
- An entry threshold (raised) at Hannans Road
- Penshurst Road proposed device:
- An entry threshold (raised), south of Glendale Avenue
- Broadarrow Road between Chamberlain Street and Wiruna Crescent proposed devices
- One (1) raised threshold, between Chamberlain Street and Mercury Street
- One (1) raised threshold, west of Bryant Street
- One (1) raised threshold across the west bound carriageway, west of Wiruna Crescent
At the proposed raised thresholds, blister islands or fencing will be provided to prevent using these devices as priority crossing points.
The above devices are designed to reduce the speed limit in the town centre to 40 kph and improve pedestrian safety. The designs require No Stopping zones to be installed in line with Australian Standards and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Technical Guidelines, with some loss of on-street parking: six (6) spaces in Hannans Road and two (2) spaces in Penshurst Road.
Council has also received funding under the Australian Government Blackspot program 2020-21 to install a raised median island in Broadarrow Road, east of Hannans Road. The works involve widening of the carriageway, reconstruction of footpath and a residential vehicle crossing. This proposal results in a loss of four (4) spaces in Broadarrow Road.
Above proposals are shown on the attached plans.
How to have your say
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.