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Consultation has concluded


The applicant-led Planning Proposal to increase heights and the floor space ratio (FSR) at 30-46 Auburn Road, Regents Park was open for public comment from 12/07/2021 to 10/08/2021. The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) conducted this consultation process. The City of Canterbury Bankstown did not support the Planning Proposal.

For more information on the Planning Proposal, visit the NSW DPIE website here.

If you have questions regarding the Planning Proposal, you can contact NSW DPIE as identified on the website.

In light of this progression, we are exhibiting a site specific Development Control Plan (DCP) to guide development at the site in accordance with Council’s resolution.

This proposal

Although the City of Canterbury Bankstown does not support the increased density proposed on this site, we have to prepare a guide to ensure that development is well designed and considers the surrounding area. We want to ensure that the impacts are minimised, where possible, if the site develops.

The Development Control Plan includes details on the following:

  • Surrounding Neighbour Context
  • Desired Character of the Development
  • Key Design Principles
  • General Objectives
  • Site Layout
  • Setbacks
  • Access and Movement
  • Built Form and Interface Outcomes
  • Public Domain and Landscaping Requirements


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Wednesday 15 September 2021 - Wednesday 13 October 2021

    Exhibition Period

    This consultation is open for contributions. Provide any feedback on the proposals in this time using the online feedback form, directly emailing or writing to Council.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Wednesday 13 October 2021 5:00pm

    Exhibition Closed

    Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.

Contact us

If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact us via the following:

Contact Information
Name Community Engagement Team

How did we do?

Complete the survey to provide feedback on the engagement process.

The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.