Consultation has concluded
Council invites you to have your say on an applicant initiated Planning Proposal (PP_2020_CBANK_001_00), draft amendment to the Canterbury Bankstown Development Control Plan 2021 and draft Planning Agreement which relate to part of the Ashfield Reservoir site at 165-169 Holden Street, Ashbury.
The Ashfield Reservoir was built in 1912 and remains operational while the area identified for rezoning is now surplus to Sydney Water’s needs.
This Proposal
The intended outcome of this planning proposal is to rezone the northern portion of the site from SP2 Infrastructure to R2 Low Density Residential. This rezoning is accompanied by the application of a maximum height of buildings limit of 8.5m, to facilitate the subdivision and redevelopment of part of the site as low-density residences.
The Planning Proposal also includes amendments to the heritage map to alter the curtilage of the Ashfield Reservoir heritage item. There are no changes proposed to the Ashbury Heritage Conservation Area, which will continue to apply to the site. The portion of the site where the Planning Proposal applies does not contain any fabric of heritage significance.
Council has also resolved to prepare amendments to the Canterbury Bankstown Development Control Plan 2021 and a draft Planning Agreement, including an Explanatory Note, to deliver enhanced access to Peace Park and affordable housing contributions in accordance with Council’s Affordable Housing Strategy.
The Minister for Planning has delegated the making of this Plan to Council.

How to have your say
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.
Would you like a project officer to contact you?