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Consultation has concluded
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Canterbury Town Centre Upgrade - Stage 2
As part of the 2020/21 capital works program the $8.9 million Canterbury Town Centre Upgrade - Stage 2 has commenced. The key components of this upgrade are:
- The realignment of Canterbury Road, Close Street and Charles Street intersection and installation of new traffic signals; and
- The upgrade of the Cooks River Shared Pathway (under Canterbury Road) by lowering and widening the pathway and installing lights.
This upgrade will deliver improved safety levels for all users of the Canterbury Road, Close Street and Charles Street intersection and the Cooks River Shared Pathway underpass. View
full details of the Canterbury Town Centre Stage 2 Upgrade.

This proposal
Council is proposing to establish a temporary work site compound in Close Street Reserve (Lesley Muir Reserve) which will primarily be used for the storage of steel, generators, tools, timber, plastic frames and sand.
The site will have sediment control and no trees will be impacted. The off lease dog exercise area will remain open. Traffic safety measures will be in place for vehicle access to the compound.
At the conclusion of these upgrades, the work site will be restored to its current state and to improve the experience for all users of the Cooks River Shared Pathway, we will work with local property owners to remove the graffiti on the nearby private property.
During the licence period Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd will be responsible for cleaning, repairs/maintenance and costs related to services used in the site yard.
The pertinent terms of the proposed Licence Agreement are as follows:
- Licensee: Abergeldie Contractors Pty Limited
- Commencement: on completion of the public exhibition process
- Term: six months
- Conditions: Licensee required to provide Public Liability insurance ($50M)
Should any delays in the establishment of this site compound be experienced, there will be delays in the construction program and delivery of these benefits to the community.
Council is also inviting local students and families to submit drawings which we can feature on the screening of the site compound. If you have a drawing that you would like us to consider, you can upload your artwork at the link below.

How to have your say
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.