Consultation has concluded
The public exhibition period for this project has now closed. All comments received will be referred onto the Minister's delegate for decision. If you have any questions about this project please contact Chung Tran on 9707 9076.
Under Section 35 of the Roads Act 1993, notice is given that the Minister for Lands and Water will consider the proposed closing of a road following an application by Council. The road under consideration comprises the Council public road known as Coleman Ave, Bankstown (see area highlighted in map below).
Upon closure of the road, Council intends to sell the land to the adjoining owner, being 60 Brancourt Ave, Bankstown. Council, acting on behalf of the Minister, will receive submissions which will be referred onto the Minister’s delegate for decision.
Written Submissions:
Written submissions are no longer being accepted.
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, information in submissions may, at the discretion of council and NSW Department of Primary Industries - Lands, be referred to the party which initiated the proposal for consideration.