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Council’s Sports Facilities Strategic Plan, adopted in 2022, identified the need to develop precinct plans to help maximise the use of green space and improve the experience for current and future sportsground users. These locations are:

  • Canterbury Park (including Blick Oval, Campbell Oval, King Street Tennis Courts)
  • Croydon Park (including Croydon Park, Lees Park, Croydon Park Netball Courts, Picken Oval)
  • Jensen Park
  • Punchbowl Park (including Punchbowl Park, Punchbowl Park Tennis Courts).

These sites are currently used for sporting purposes including football (soccer), cricket, rugby league, netball, athletics and tennis. A small amount of free space is also available in these parks for general use.

At each of these locations, Council has identified:

  • high demand for limited open space;
  • significant feedback and requests for upgrades from the local community and sporting groups; and
  • the need for multipurpose open spaces and amenity.

This proposal

We’re planning for the future needs of sportsground users at Canterbury Park, Croydon Park, Jensen Park and Punchbowl Park by creating precinct plans for each of these sites.

These plans consider the current and future needs of sports clubs within the context of increases in population and sportsground usage, Council’s financial capacity, external funding sources, priorities and sustainability of the facilities.

The precinct plans also include assessment of access to all amenities buildings and clubhouses including the proposed layout of pedestrian, cycle and vehicle entrances, internal roads and carparking.

You can view the plans and have your say on those relevant to you below until 31 March 2025.

Precinct plans

Canterbury Park

Croydon Park

Including Picken Oval, Croydon Park and Lees Park.

Jensen Park

Punchbowl Park

Have your say


  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Monday 3 March 2025 - Monday 31 March 2025

    Exhibition Period

    This consultation is open for contributions.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Monday 31 March 2025 5:00pm


    Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Report to Council

    The Proposal with a summary of the community feedback received over this exhibition period is considered by Council.

Who's listening

If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please email us or contact the Council officers listed below.

Contact Information
In writing

By post to Mr Matthew Stewart, CEO, City of Canterbury Bankstown PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885

Recreation and Open Space Planner


Recreation and Open Space Planner

City of Canterbury Bankstown

Phone: 9707 9575



Team Leader Community Engagement

City of Canterbury Bankstown

Phone: 9707 5902

CBCity 2036 Destinations

Here's how this projects helps to deliver our Community Strategic Plan.
Healthy and Active

Healthy and Active

A motivated city that nurtures healthy minds and bodies.

The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.