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Consultation has concluded
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The draft Street Parklet Program Policy and Guidelines (Policy and Guidelines) provide a framework for Council’s management of the commercial use of street parklets. It also establishes the licensing criteria for businesses that apply to use street parklets for additional outdoor dining.
A street parklet is a temporary built element on kerbside parking space that is used for outdoor dining. It may include traffic barriers, platforms, tables, chairs and signage.
The expansion and encouragement of outdoor dining has already been endorsed by Council through the Economic Development Strategy Plan 2036 and the Night-time Economy Action Plan 2021-26. Our priority is to support the growth of outdoor dining by encouraging high quality footway dining areas that enhance and bring activity to our City whilst ensuring pedestrian safety is maintained.

This policy
The Policy and Guidelines explain the proposed assessment criteria and provides guidance for the implementation of street parklets. This ensures there is a consistent, simple and equitable process for the selection of Street Parklet Permits.
The Policy and Guidelines includes:
- Eligibility requirements and an
outline of the assessment criteria:
- Be a food/drink business such as a café, restaurant or bar
- Hold an existing consent to operate as a food or drink premise and/or hold a liquor license
- Proposed installation of parklet must be directly adjoining their business
- Have written support by neighbouring businesses
- The process for seeking approval:
- This will be annual Expression of Interest
- An outline of the application
process and provide:
- Site plan
- Cross section drawing
- Supporting documentation outlining the proposed parklet structure and location
- Traffic Guidance Scheme/Traffic Control Plan
- Relevant insurances
- Plan of management
- Parklet fees and charges:
- Proposed fees to be consistent with Commercial Use of Footways
- Information on the responsibilities for the cost, installation and maintenance of a parklet.
All costs associated with the application for a license, street parklet design, construction, maintenance and cleaning, including the removal of a street parklet are solely the responsibility of the applicant business.
Proposed fees and charges
To cover the cost of administering the application process and engagement, it is proposed that the fees are consistent with the Commercial Use of Footways fees.
Street Parklet Program fees | |
Application/assessment fee | $242.00 |
Bankstown CBD/outdoor dining – fee per square metre per annum | $172.00 |
Bankstown CBD – display of goods – fee per square metre per annum | $175.00 |
Suburban Town Centre – outdoor dining – fee per square metre per annum | $134.00 |
Suburban Town Centre – display of goods – fee per square metre per annum | $140.00 |
A-frame sign (limit one per premises) – max one square metre in area | $145.50 |
Document library
Timeline item 1 - complete
Thursday 7 December 2023 - Wednesday 31 January 2024
Exhibition Period
This consultation is open for contributions.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Wednesday 31 January 2024 05:00 pm
Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.
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If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact us via the following:
Name | Community Engagement Team |
---|---| |