Consultation has concluded


Council has been notified by Sydney Metro that they require land to be used for a works compounds for the construction of the Sydenham to Bankstown Metro. They will require the land for 4 years during construction between 2020 to 2024.

The three local parks identified by Sydney Metro for possible compulsory acquisitions are:

  • Heynes Reserve – 60 Berna Street, Canterbury
  • Little Tasker Park – 1 East Parade, Campsie and
  • Ewen Park - Tennent Parade, Hurlstone Park for a 3,000m2 works compound.

All three parks are required by Sydney Metro and Council does not have the ability to refuse any compulsory acquisition by the State Government.

This proposal

At the 26 May 2020 Ordinary Meeting, Council considered the Sydney Metro request and put forward a single alternative site at 15 Close Street Canterbury, which is the site of the former Canterbury Bowling Club. 15 Close Street was recommended as it is currently not accessible to the general community and has direct access to the rail corridor. This site was considered to have less overall impact than the alternative loss of open space at Heynes Reserve, Little Tasker Park and Ewen Park.

At this Council meeting it was recommended that further information be provided by Sydney Metro on the possible impacts of siting the works compound on 15 Close Street, Canterburyclick here to view this Report.

This matter and feedback from community will be considered at next Council meeting scheduled for 23 June 2020.

The feedback period for this community consultation for Sydney Metro Temporary Works Compound was on exhibition until 5pm Monday 22 June 2020.

Thank you to all those who have provided their feedback. Submissions are now closed and under review with Council.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this proposal please contact Michael Conway, Manager Property and Investment, on 9789 9326 or Council’s Community Engagement Team on 9707 9602.