Consultation has concluded
Council has received and endorsed for the purposes of public exhibition, a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for 297-299 Canterbury Road, Canterbury.
The Planning Agreement requires the developer to dedicate an area of land of approximately 46.215m2 in size for the widening of Clunes Lane at the rear of the property. The Agreement also requires the developer to construct the laneway.
The exhibition of the planning proposal commenced on Tuesday 7 November 2017 and can be viewed at:
- Campsie Customer Service Centre, 137 Beamish Street, Campsie;
- Bankstown Customer Service Centre, Civic Tower, 66-72 Rickard Road; and
- online.
Council's Customer Service centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (public holidays excepted).
The following documents are available for inspection:
- Copy of the Voluntary Planning Agreement
- Copy of the Explanatory Notes
If you wish to comment you will need to make a written submission by:
- Post to the Interim General Manager, Canterbury-Bankstown Council, PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885;
- Email:;
- Online submission -see below; or
- Fax: 9707 9700
The closing date for submissions is Tuesday 5 December 2017.
How do I provide feedback?
To participate complete the below online feedback form.
If you are unable to complete the feedback electronically, you can submit your comments in writing to:
The Interim General Manager, City of Canterbury Bankstown, PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885;
Email link); or
Fax 9707 9700 for the Attn: Tom Foster
Consultation has concluded, feedback on this project will be available shortly.