
Exhibition of Bankstown Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Rezoning Proposal

20 September 2024

Building on the vision of the Bankstown City Centre Master Plan, adopted by the City of Canterbury Bankstown in 2021, the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has undertaken a review of planning controls in Bankstown City Centre to determine areas of the precinct that are suitable to support more homes.

The Bankstown TOD rezoning Proposal was available for public feedback between 16 July and 30 August 2024 on the NSW Planning Portal.

Council resolved at the 27 August 2024 Council Meeting to make a submission in response to the Bankstown TOD rezoning Proposal. A copy of Council’s submission can be read here (refer to Planning Matters Item 5.2, page 53 of the Council Meeting Report).

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure states that the key features of the rezoning Proposal include:

  • capacity for up to 12,500 new homes within the precinct close to the new Bankstown Metro station;
  • mandatory affordable housing contribution of 3-10% for all new residential development in the precinct, delivering 375-1,250 affordable homes in perpetuity and managed by a registered Community Housing Provider;
  • potential to support 15,000 new jobs in the area; and
  • potential for new open space, pathways and cycleways.

Visit the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure website for more information regarding the Bankstown TOD rezoning Proposal.