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Consultation has concluded

Status Update

In accordance with the Council resolutions of the 28 September 2021 and 26 October 2021 Council Meeting, Council has prepared a planning proposal and submitted the planning proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment on 31 March 2022 requesting the Department issue a Gateway determination.

The purpose of the planning proposal is to implement the Bankstown City Centre Master Plan and to implement Council’s draft Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme.

A copy of the planning proposal can be accessed via this page. A copy of the Site-specific Review Joint Panel Report that was also a requirement of the Council’s resolution can also be accessed via this page, or downloaded directly via this link.

The planning proposal will be publicly exhibited by Council subject to the requirements of a Gateway determination issued by the Department of Planning and Environment.


In 2019, Council completed their Local Strategic Planning Statement (known as Connective City 2036) and the Bankstown Complete Streets CBD Transport and Place Plan. These documents set out the strategic land use and transport vision for Canterbury-Bankstown.

Connective City 2036 recognises Bankstown City Centre as the city’s key Strategic Centre. Connective City 2036 also identifies the need to develop a place-based and design-led master plan to lead the growth of Bankstown.

In line with Connective City 2036, Council has commenced the master planning process for Bankstown. The master plan provides the opportunity to co-locate genuine job-generating development with housing, services, utilities and social infrastructure.

The aim of this master plan is to improve the quality of development in Bankstown and create a place the community can be proud of. The master plan will develop mechanisms to improve the quality and sustainability of the city centre, implement the actions of Bankstown Complete Streets and create a great place for the community. This involves the preparation of a series of technical studies to guide growth and change. Once finalised, the master plan will be developed into a planning proposal that updates the objectives and controls of Council’s Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan.

This project is being partly funded by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Latest updates

Adopted Bankstown City Centre Master Plan

and supporting documents


  • Timeline item 1 - complete


    We are preparing for community consultation. ‘Follow’ this project to receive updates.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Early engagement

    Community members will contribute to the master plan via a range of methods.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Development of master plan and ongoing engagement

    The master plan will be developed by Council’s multidisciplinary team of experts, with input from technical consultants and ongoing community engagement.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Draft master plan on exhibition

    The draft is open for comment and submissions.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Review of submissions

    Following exhibition, all submissions and comments will be reviewed to help further refine the plan.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete


    The draft Bankstown Masterplan was adopted by Council on 28 September 2021. Minutes for this Council meeting can be viewed here.

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Planning Proposal submitted for Gateway Determination

    The Planning Proposal together with the master plan are to be reported to the Local Planning Panel and Council for submission to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination*, seeking approval for public exhibition.

    *Before a planning proposal goes on formal exhibition, it must go through the ‘Gateway Process’. The ‘Gateway Process’ refers to assessment of the Planning Proposal by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

    A ‘Gateway Determination’ is issued when the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment decide that a planning proposal can process to the next stage of the plan making process.

  • Timeline item 8 - active

    Gateway Determination Pending

    The Planning Proposal is submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination including approval to proceed to formal exhibition.

  • Timeline item 9 - incomplete

    Formal exhibition

    The Planning Proposal will be on formal exhibition for public comment. The master plan will be exhibited as a supporting document.

  • Timeline item 10 - incomplete

    Review of submissions and consideration by Council

    Following exhibition, all submissions will be reviewed, and the Planning Proposal will be considered by Council to determine whether it will proceed for finalisation.

  • Timeline item 11 - incomplete


    The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented here, and the Planning Proposal will be sent back to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for finalisation and implementation.

Engagement Plan

  • Stage 3: Exhibition Planning Proposal

    • Based on the final adopted master plan which is informed by Stage 2 engagement.

Who's listening

If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please email us or contact the Council officers listed below.

In writing

By post to Mr Matthew Stewart, CEO, City of Canterbury Bankstown PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885

Patrick Lebon


Coordinator Strategic Assessments

The City of Canterbury Bankstown

Phone: 9707 5593



Community Engagement Officer

City of Canterbury Bankstown

Phone: 9707 9030


The Bankstown City Centre Master Plan has received the following industry awards:


2021 Greater Sydney Planning Awards

Planning for Jobs and Skills

Greater Cities Commission

Read more

2022 Landscape Architecture Awards

Shade Smart Award for the Bankstown and Campsie Urban Tree Canopy Master Plan

Australian Institute of Landscape Architects NSW

Read more

The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our CBCity community.

Contact us

Our friendly Customer Service Call Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm to assist with all enquiries.

Phone 9707 9000

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