We are excited to announce plans for a new Pump and Jump Track in Deepwater Park, Milperra following community consultation in 2022.

The track will provide a mix of features catering to all ages and riding experiences. The design includes a new pump and jump track with supporting infrastructure such as new amenities, tree planting, parking spaces and more.

The chosen site sits at the corner of Maxwell Avenue and Henry Lawson Drive, with nearby Deepwater Park, Kelso Sports fields, existing cycleway routes and easy access via the M5.

Construction is currently expected to begin in 2025. We look forward to revitalising this site for community recreation.

The new park will provide a dedicated pump and jump track with a mix of features catering to all ages and riding experiences. The design includes:

  • A track for junior riders and children new to riding, separated from the main track
  • A novice run with successive table tops features to aid with improved safety and rider confidence
  • An expert run featuring successive jumps, switch backs and tilted features

Council will also upgrade the surrounding site with:

  • Landscaping and additional tree planting
  • Pedestrian paths, shelters, bike racks and seating areas
  • Additional parking spaces
  • An amenities building to service the site

The new Pump and Jump Track is consistent with the objectives for the park as defined in the Deepwater and Kelso Parklands Plan of Management, adopted by Council in March 2019.

The Plan of Management identified the subject site within a proposed commercial recreation precinct and included a future management option of converting the site into a regional sports area. In line with these objectives, the design proposal provides a location for, and supports, the gathering of community-based interest groups for a range of social, cultural or recreational purposes.

Precedent Images

View a selection of photos of a previous pump and jump track delivered by Dirtz, who will construct the track at Deepwater Park.

Contact us

If you have questions or want to learn more you can contact us on the details below.

Contact Information
Email haveyoursay@cbcity.nsw.gov.au
In writing

By post to Mr Matthew Stewart, CEO, City of Canterbury Bankstown PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885

Proudly funded by the NSW Government

This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with the City of Canterbury Bankstown, as part of the Places to Play program.