Consultation has concluded
Council invites you to have your say on the amendments to the Canterbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 that relate to development for the purposes of boarding houses.
The purpose of the planning proposal is to introduce a minimum:
- Lot size for development of land for a boarding house; and
- Site frontage for development of land for a boarding house.
The planning proposal is the subject of a Gateway Determination dated 2 May 2018.
The Greater Sydney Commission has not delegated the making of this Plan to Council.
Council has also resolved to endorse and exhibit amendments to Canterbury Development Control Plan 2012, to introduce new controls relating to development for purposes of boarding houses.
Documents on exhibition can be found in the document library, including:
- Planning proposal and accompanying attachments;
- Draft Development Control Plan amendments;
- Gateway Determination and Letter; and
- Council report and minutes.
Have your say
Exhibition closed on Friday 1 February 2019. Thank you to all those who have provided submissions. The final report has been adopted by Council.
Planning Controls for Boarding Houses Submission
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition, please lodge your submission below.