Being included and having equal opportunities to participate in the community is everyone’s right.
The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 says that people with disability should:
- be included in the community
- have choice and control of how they want to live
- decide on the services and supports they receive.
As a Council, we do many things to support people with disabilities, stop discrimination against them, and support the laws above. One way we do this is through our Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).
Our current DIAP ends next year (2021), so we are starting to talk to our community about how to support people with disabilities in the next four-year plan.
Have your say
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan Reference Group, made up of local people with disabilities, as well as their carers and disability service providers, is guiding Council on how to involve the community in this project.
Later in 2020 we will share an online survey, hold face-to-face local community consultations, and create other ways for you to have your say.
To receive email updates about opportunities to have your say on this project, click ‘Follow’ at the top of this page.
In the meantime, please share what ‘disability inclusion’ means to you in the section below. Your comments may be featured in the DIAP document to show the potential impact of the work.
For more information
If you would like more information or to discuss the Disability Inclusion Action Plan project, please contact Jacob Steuart, Access and Inclusion Officer, on 9707 9857 or
Life Cycle
Timeline item 1 - active
DIAP Reference Group formed February 2020
Made up of members of the CBCity Access and Inclusion Reference Group who will guide this project.
Timeline item 2 - incomplete
Community consultation
Later in 2020 we will arrange consultation meetings, an online survey and other opportunities to have your say.
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Drafting the DIAP
We will draft the Plan based on community feedback in consultation with the DIAP Reference Group.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Public exhibition
In 2021 we will share the draft Plan with the community for feedback.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Adoption of the plan
The Council will vote on whether to adopt the plan.