Consultation has concluded
Council invited you to have your say on draft changes proposed for the Canterbury Development Control Plan 2012 and Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015.
These changes aim to align Council’s controls and to continue to deliver high quality development and include:
- Clarifying approval is required to remove Norfolk Island Pine trees;
- Aligning parking rates for boarding houses and child care centres;
- Garage arrangements for dual occupancies; and
- Road widths in new housing estates.
Printed copies of the discussion paper are available for viewing at Bankstown and Campsie Customer Service Centres.
Exhibition Period
The exhibition period for this proposal was 30 October 2019 to 5pm, Wednesday 27 November 2019.
Have your say
Thank you to all those who have provided their feedback. Submissions are now closed and under review with Council.
Draft changes to Canterbury DCP 2012 and Bankstown DCP 2015
Draft Changes to Canterbury DCP 2012 and Bankstown DCP 2015
Consultation has concluded