Vote on your favourite play equipment
We would like to know how you would prioritise the play equipment in the playspace.
Consultation has concluded
We have been progressively delivering key elements of the Ewen Park Improvement Plan since its adoption in 2019. Together these projects have resulted in a range of recreational benefits and improvements in Hurlstone Park and along the Cooks River foreshore.
The upgrade of the Ewen Park Play Space has also been highlighted as a priority. The project is consistent with the recommendation in Council’s Playgrounds and Play Spaces Strategic Plan to upgrade and renew, focusing on improved facilities and unique play elements for all to enjoy.
In planning for the upgrade of the Ewen Park Play Space, Council has also received funding from Transport for NSW to widen the shared path between Foord Avenue and Ewen Park and trial the installation of lighting along a small section of the Cooks River Shared Path.
We have created a draft play space concept design incorporating new equipment and seating for visitors of all ages and abilities to enjoy. We’ve listened to earlier community feedback and are retaining the earth mounds to add to the character of the play area.
The draft design includes:
At the same time, we are also proposing to undertake improvements to the Cooks River Shared Path, from Foord Avenue to Ewen Park.
Through conversations with our community, we know that the Cooks River Shared Path is an important recreational and active transport connection for our community. We've heard your suggestions for improvements and so are planning to widen the path in key sections to reduce conflict between pedestrians and cyclists. We’re also looking to improve visibility for pedestrians and cyclists by trialling solar lighting.
The shared path between Foord Avenue and Ewen Park will be widened from its current 2.5 metres to 4 metres wherever possible, while minimising the impact on existing trees. A 4 metre width allows for more room for cyclists and pedestrians to pass each other safely. Low intensity solar lights will also be installed along the same section of shared path.
The shared path projects will be delivered by Council, with the support of the NSW Government with funding provided through the Get NSW Active grant program.
Read the draft plan and let us know what you think by completing the survey below.
We would like to know how you would prioritise the play equipment in the playspace.
Let us know your thoughts about the concept plan.
Drop in at one of our pop up information sessions to speak with a project officer.
If you would like to speak with a project officer, community information sessions will be hosted on:
Timeline item 1 - complete
Monday 6 November 2023 - Monday 27 November 2023
Exhibition Period
This consultation is open for contributions.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Monday 27 November 2023 05:00 pm
Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.
Timeline item 3 - complete
Review of community feedback
December 2023 / January 2024
Timeline item 4 - complete
Finalisation of design
View a detailed update on the project elements here.
If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact us via the following:
Name | Community Engagement Team |
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The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.