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Consultation has concluded


Council continues to work on improving safety for pedestrians and drivers across our wide local government area. However, with demands on all our services continuing to grow and limited funding available, prioritisation is provided to locations where speed data and official TfNSW injury/crash information can support expenditure of these funds. Council also works collaboratively with Federal and State Government departments to obtain possible grant funding through various road safety programs.

A grant submission for the 2024/2025 Federal Black Spot program is currently being considered by Council for Leylands Parade between Moreton Street and Burwood Road, Belmore.

This proposal

Council is proposing the installation of two flat top speed humps on Leylands Pde between Burwood Rd and Moreton St, with barrier fencing on either side and associated linemarking as per the attached plan. This is the most effective option to maintain vehicles travelling within the permitted speed limit, without the loss of valuable on-street parking.

Council has investigated various traffic calming options such as intersection treatments, chicanes and speed humps and they all have their advantages and disadvantages such as the loss of on-street parking and noise.

In taking these and other factors into consideration, Council is proposing two flat-top speed humps for Leylands Parade.

Consultation Plan

Consultation plan
  • Intersection modifications ("sea-gull" islands treatment)
    This measure requires the installation of median islands at the intersections and is an effective treatment in residential streets. An image is shown below.

    However, this treatment is not feasible at the Peel St and Kent St intersections due to the need to allow for vehicle turning movements. Peel St is a bus route and truck access is required into Kent St to service businesses along Kent St-Burwood Road.
  • Chicanes ("slow points”)
    This measure requires the installation of median and kerb extensions to create a narrow angled travel path. Vehicles need to slow down to navigate the narrow angled path. This arrangement requires removal of kerbside parking. An image is shown below.To achieve a desirable speed commensurate with the speed limit of 50kph along the street, two chicanes would be necessary at certain distance. As the loss of parking impacts on the residents, this option is not desirable.
  • Speed Humps ("Raised thresholds") This measure requires the installation of flat top speed humps (75mm height) with ramps. There will be no loss of parking. Two humps would be required to manage the speeds to commensurate with 50kph. Some discomfort to motorists, however, these devices are effective in reducing speeding. An image is shown below.Note: Some perceive additional noise impacts from humps. Council has undertaken a noise impact assessment at a speed hump site. The results indicated a slight reduction in noise levels closer to the hump compared to the situation without the hump, this is due to the reduction in speed levels at the hump. Although, initially there may be some noise increases due to drivers adjusting to the new hump, the noise level increase fades out as drivers reduce speeds over the device.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Monday 14 August 2023 - Friday 25 August 2023

    Exhibition Period

    This consultation is open for contributions.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Friday 25 August 2023 05:00 pm


    Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.

Contact Us

If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact us via the following:

Name Anoma Herath
Phone 9707 5709

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Total Votes: 26

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