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Consultation has concluded


Council and the community are concerned for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists that use the Foord Avenue Hurlstone Park Underpass. In the current context, the Underpass posses significant risks for pedestrians and cyclists due to lack of a footpath, poor sight-lines and the need to share the roadway with motor vehicle users.

Construction of a separate pedestrian/cyclist path or structural improvements to the underpass have been ruled out due to costs. The Underpass structure is owned and maintained by the NSW Government who have confirmed the Metro project will not include any changes to the roadway/tunnel under rail lines. The structure is also heritage listed.

Earlier investigations

Council (and the former Canterbury City Council) have investigated a number of traffic management concepts for the Underpass site to strengthen safety for pedestrians and cyclists and, there has been some local community consultation in the testing phase of these concepts.

A brief summary of the earlier investigations and findings are below however, it is noted that none of the proposals delivered the desired level of safety for pedestrians and cyclists and/or gained the support of the community.

Option Result
Installation of a 10km/h Shared Zone This was not supported due to non-compliance with Shared Zone technical guidelines.
Using one tunnel for TWO-WAY traffic with Stop signs whilst the other tunnel is restricted for pedestrians and cyclists This proposal was not supported due to poor sight-lines for traffic entering the underpass particularly from north.
Full closure of underpass This proposal was not support as it limits emergency vehicular access.
Using one tunnel for ONE-WAY traffic with other tunnel restricted to pedestrians and cyclists This option is considered as the most appropriate design solution.

This proposal

This proposal is shown in detail on the attached consultation plan . The key features of the safety upgrade proposal are:

  • retaining the eastern tunnel for motor vehicles traffic in a southerly direction only (from Dunstaffenage St to Burnett St);
  • the closure of the western tunnel to motor vehicles and upgrading this roadway section to pedestrian and cyclist only;
  • introducing adequate turning areas on Foord Avenue at both ends of underpass;
  • improving pedestrian safety with new footpath and safety devices on Foord Avenue south and at the Dunstaffenage Street intersection; and
  • retaining two way motor vehicles traffic flow on Foord Avenue.

The proposal will result in a loss of five (5) parking spaces on Foord Avenue and, motorists that would have previously used the Underpass to head north will need to use the Floss Street or Melford St bridges - as detailed.

How to have your say

Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.