Consultation has concluded

Council invited you to have your say on a Planning Proposal to implement the Hurlstone Park Heritage Assessment Study, and draft amendments to Canterbury Development Control Plan (DCP) 2012 to support the Planning Proposal.

The documents on exhibition are:

1. Planning Proposal

The Planning Proposal (PP_2016_CBANK_003) seeks to amend Canterbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 by:

  • Listing 29 properties as local heritage items in Hurlstone Park
  • Listing 7 Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs) in Hurlstone Park

Rezoning R4 High Density Residential and R3 Medium Density Residential zoned land in the HCAs to R2 Low Density Residential.

Reducing the maximum building height in the B2 Local Centre zone in the HCAs from 14 metres to 11 metres.

The NSW Minister for Planning has delegated the making of the local environmental plan arising from the Planning Proposal to Council.

A copy of the Planning Proposal with attachments can be found here. ishare links:

Planning Proposal: Planning Proposal.pdf

PP_Attachment 1: PP_Attachment 1 (2).pdf

PP_Attachment 2: PP_Attachment 2 (2).pdf

PP_Attachment 3: PP_Attachment 3 (2).pdf

PP_Attachment 4: PP_Attachments 4-10 (2).pdf

A copy of the initial Gateway Determination and revised Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning and Environment to allow exhibition of the Planning Proposal can be found here. (ishare links:

Gateway determination: Gateway Determination PP_2016_CBANK_003.pdf

Alteration of Gateway determination: Alteration of Gateway Determination.pdf

2. Draft amendments to Canterbury DCP 2012

The draft amendments apply to Chapter B8 and will provide proposed new design and other controls for heritage items, and for the proposed HCAs in Hurlstone Park. Section B8.4 (containing controls for Ashbury Heritage Conservation Area) is not amended.

A copy of the draft amendments to Canterbury DCP 2012 can be found here. Draft Amended DCP Chapter B8.pdf

Supporting documents and information

Supporting studies

The two supporting studies for the Planning Proposal prepared by Paul Davies Pty Ltd can be found here. ishare links:

Inventory sheets

Inventory sheets for the proposed heritage listed items and draft heritage conservation areas can be found here. (ishare links:

  • 2C-2D Euston Road 2C-2D Euston Road.pdf
  • 6-20 Burnett Street 6-20 Burnett Street.pdf
  • 8 Melford Street 8 Melford Street.pdf
  • 12 Floss Street 12 Floss Street.pdf
  • 15-17 Gower Street 15-17 Gower Street.pdf
  • 21 Kilbride Street 21 Kilbride Street.pdf
  • 27 Duntroon Street 27 Duntroon Street (2).pdf
  • 29 Fernhill Street 29 Fernhill Street.pdf
  • 31 Fernhill Street 31 Fernhill Street.pdf
  • 37-39 Duntroon Street 37-39 Duntroon Street.pdf
  • 42 Garnet Street 42 Garnet Street.pdf
  • 44-46 Floss Street 44-46 Floss Street (2).pdf
  • 66-78 Crinan Street 66-78 Crinan Street.pdf
  • 76-80 Garnet Street 76-80 Garnet Street (2).pdf
  • 79 Floss Street 79 Floss Street (2).pdf
  • 90 Duntroon Street 90 Duntroon Street (2).pdf
  • 92 Duntroon Street 92 Duntroon Street.pdf
  • 96 Crinan Street 96 Crinan Street.pdf
  • 101 Crinan Street 101 Crinan Street.pdf
  • 104 Melford Street 104 Melford Street (2).pdf
  • 128 Duntroon Street 128 Duntroon Street.pdf
  • 648-668 New Canterbury Road 648-668 New Canterbury Road (3).pdf
  • HCA - Crinan Street HCA - CrinanStreet.pdf
  • HCA - Duntroon Street HCA - Duntroon Street.pdf
  • HCA - Floss Street HCA - Floss Street.pdf
  • HCA - Hampden Street HCA - Hampden Street.pdf
  • HCA - Melford Street North HCA - Melford Street North.pdf
  • HCA - Melford Street HCA - Melford Street.pdf
  • HCA - Tennent Street HCA - Tennent Street.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions with answers to assist owners and residents in understanding the documents on exhibition can be found here. Heritage FAQ.pdf

Heritage Listing Explained

A copy of the publication from the Heritage Council “Heritage Listing Explained – What It Means For You” can be found here. Heritage listing explained.pdf

Key dates

The documents will be on exhibition until Friday 7 July 2017.

During the exhibition period drop-in sessions with Council staff will also be held in Hurlstone Park – the details of which are below:

Tuesday 13 June 2017
4 - 6pm
Immanuel Church, 67 Duntroon Street
Saturday 17 June 2017
10am -12 noon
On the footpath near Floss Street Car Park
Thursday 29 June 2017
11am – 1pm
On the footpath near Floss Street Car Park


Hurlstone Park Heritage Assessment Study - Thank you for your submissions!

The closing date for submissions was Friday 7 July 2017. You could have make a submission by using the online facility here.

Alternatively you could write to:

The Interim General Manager, Canterbury-Bankstown Council, PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885.

Where required, a Political Donations and Gift Disclosure Statement must accompany the submission. You can obtain a copy of the statement and guidelines at Council’s Customer Service Centre or the Department of Planning & Environment at

Please note that all submissions received by Council are not confidential and may be made available to the public through the GIPA Act 2009. If you wish to be contacted prior to the release of your submission, please indicate ‘in confidence’ in your submission.

For any further information please contact Council’s Spatial Planning Unit on 9707 9000.