Consultation has concluded

The City of Canterbury Bankstown is proposing to undertake ground improvement works and a staged upgrade of Northcote Park, Greenacre which is located at the corner of Northcote Road and Waterloo Road, Greenacre.

This upgrade is listed in the current Capital Works Program and is in accordance with Council’s Playground and Play Spaces Strategic Plan and Generic Plan of Management for Community Land.
The Northcote Park Upgrade is proposed to be in a staged process with Stage 1 providing an improved park user experience while addressing a number of concerns related to the park’s aged furniture and structures.

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The Stage 1 upgrade proposes:

  • The relocation of the half basketball court and new playground
  • New playground equipment and furniture
  • Landscaping and tree planting and
  • A new Accessible pathway

A concept design for the park has been developed and we are now seeking feedback and comments from park users and the local community about the proposed design/upgrade.

To view the Northcote Park Concept Design click here

Community information session

Our thanks to all those that attended the community information session hosted at the Park on Sunday 1 December 2019 and provided feedback.

Exhibition period

The exhibition period for community consultation related to the concept design of Northcote Park Greenacre is now open and Council will accept feedback and comments until 5pm Tuesday 10 December 2019.

Have your say

You can have your say on the Northcote Park Greenacre Upgrade Concept by:

  • Completing the online survey below;
  • Email :; or
  • Written submission to Mr Matthew Stewart, General Manager - City of Canterbury Bankstown, Attn: Community Engagement, PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885.

For more information

If you have any general questions about this concept design please contact Council’s Landscape Architect, Willa Qin on 9707 5401 or the Engagement Team on 9707 5467.

How often do you use Northcote Park? Required
What activity best describes how you use the park?
In relation to your use of the park, how important are the following: Required
Not important
Slightly importnat
Fairly important
Very Important
Interesting playground equipment
Basketball court
BBQ and picnic facilities
New rubber surface for exercise equipment area
Trees and open space
Planting trellis and picnic area
Shade Structure
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I have considered the Northcote Park Concept Design and; Required
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If you would like to receive a monthly Enewsletter from Council regarding information on other projects, please sign up to our Resident's Panel.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.