
Thank you for helping shape a unique and creative play space people of all ages in Bankstown!

10 November 2021

We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback in the initial pre-design community consultation stage for the new Paul Keating Park Play project (PKP Play). Your ideas, visions, suggestions and comments will help shape a unique space, unlike anything else we’ve seen before, and create a playful experience for people of all ages to enjoy.

In total, the engagement process reached over 1,900 community members and captured input from more than 170 local residents, workers, students and landowners; who were all supportive of creating a playful experience at Paul Keating Park.

We have heard that the community are excited by the unique and aspirational nature of this project, and its ability to create “something special” in Bankstown, that would be an attraction for people across Sydney.Capturing ideas from people of all ages and walks of life, there were three common priorities for PKP Play.

Designing with the community…

We heard that Paul Keating Park Play should be….

As the first step in the design process, the diverse ideas and visions for the space will challenge our design team to ensure Paul Keating Park is a place where interesting happens. Further consultation with the community will take place as the design progresses.

What did we hear?

We heard that Paul Keating Park Play should be…

Some of your big ideas and challenges to our design team included…

  • A play space

    for people of all ages

  • Things to do and see

    at night

  • Adaptable, fun furniture,

    including hammocks and furniture that moves

  • ​Diverse spaces

    that cater for relaxation, study, work, or socialising

  • Tree top cubby houses,

    walks, nooks

  • Private nooks and furniture

    to escape the daily grind

  • Opportunities to interact

    with water

  • Displaying the stories

    and history of Bankstown in a fun way

Stay in touch!

Community feedback and ideas, along with the on-going site analysis, will provide a foundation for the development of a draft Concept Design, which will be presented for community comment early next year.

Follow the project to stay up to date with the project, and to receive notifications about future opportunities.

How did we do?

Complete the survey to provide feedback on the engagement process.