
Safer Roads Modified Proposal: William Street, Earlwood and Kingsgrove

13 January 2021

You may recall that Council consulted the community in August 2020 regarding road safety improvements for William Street between Kingsgrove Road and Woolcott Street. The proposed road safety improvements included the installation of nine (9) raised thresholds, a pedestrian refuge island at Hillside Avenue, traffic signals at Alfred Street and a roundabout at Warburton Parade.

However based on the community feedback and additional studies of the site, Council has decided not to proceed with the proposed nine (9) raised thresholds and pedestrian refuge island at Hillside Avenue and complete a further review to minimise loss of on-street parking.

The modified proposal for William Street includes:

  • Relocating the mid-block traffic signals from east of Hilltop Street to the Alfred Street and William Street intersection, with the partial closure of Hilltop Street, view design here.
  • Installing a roundabout on William Street at Warburton Parade view design here.

The review to minimise the loss of on-street parking has been completed and five (5) parking spaces on William Street, east of Alfred Street, have been introduced; the net loss of parking spaces at this site has now been reduced to six (6) spaces .

This project will be funded under the NSW Government's Safer Roads Program and construction is proposed to commence in the current 2020-21 financial year.