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Initial proposal
This investigation proposes a number of road upgrades and safety improvements for William Street between Kingsgrove Road, Kingsgrove and Woolcott Street, Earlwood which includes:
- the installation of nine (9) raised thresholds on William Street between Kingsgrove Road and Woolcott Street - view design here;
- the installation of a pedestrian refuge island on William Street at Hillside Avenue - view design here;
- Relocating the mid-block traffic signals from east of Hilltop Street to the Alfred Street and William Street intersection, with the partial closure of Hilltop Street - view design here; and
- the installation of a roundabout on William Street at Warburton Parade intersection - view design here.
These upgrades will require additional No Stopping zones in line with Australian Standards and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Technical Guidelines which will necessitate the loss of some parking on the roadway. Please see ‘Further Information William Street’ for more info.