Consultation has concluded

Wiley Park Master Plan

Council has developed a draft master plan for Wiley Park, which is a popular district park that provides a range of recreational, social and cultural spaces for the local community. The project site is bounded by King Georges Road to the west, Canterbury Road to the south, Clio Street to the east and Edge Street to the north.

The areas around the park are growing and Council has worked closely with the community in the development of this draft master plan. We would like to offer our thanks to everyone who engaged and provide feedback at the earlier community sessions hosted between August and December 2018; they told us what they love and what they would like to see improved in the park.

This feedback has been instrumental in the development and shaping of the plan and our guiding principles, which are to provide:

  • A connected active park;
  • A community park;
  • A healthy park; and
  • A park that celebrates water.

At the 30 April 2019 Ordinary meeting, Council authorised the public exhibition of the draft master plan and we are now seeking feedback and comments from the community to make sure we have it right.

The draft master plan was on exhibition until 5pm on Friday 31 May 2019.

Printed copies of the draft master plan were also available for viewing at:

  • Bankstown and Campsie Customer Service Centres;
  • Bankstown, Campsie, Greenacre and Lakemba Library and Knowledge Centres; and
  • Horizons Theatre (within Wiley Park).

How to have your say

Thank you to all those who have provided submissions. The final report has been adopted by Council.

Online submission

Online Submission - Wiley Park

Thank you for your interest in this exhibition, please lodge your submission below.

Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.


Online survey and workshop

Wiley Park Masterplan Stage One Community Survey

The City of Canterbury Bankstown is preparing a masterplan for Wiley Park. Wiley Park is a popular district park in Wiley Park and provides a range of recreational, social and cultural spaces for the local community.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey and share with us how you currently use the park and, your ideas and thoughts on how to make it even better.

Consultation has concluded

Registration : Wiley Park Masterplan Community Workshop

Please complete this registration form to attend the community workshop for the Wiley Park Masterplan project.

This workshop will take place on Wednesday 12 September 2018, 10am-11.30am at the Canterbury City Community Centre, 130 Railway Parade Lakemba.

If you have any questions please contact Council's Community Engagement team on 9707 9602.

Consultation has concluded