
Wiley Park upgrades underway

12 July 2022

We are excited to advise that the upgrades to Wiley Park is underway.

Pond Restoration

The construction for Stage 1 Ponds Restoration commenced last month and anticipated to take 3 months, weather permitting.

The native wildlife, including turtles and eels, are being managed by specialist ecologists and will be safely re-homed.

The design for Stage 2 Upper Ponds and Cascades is close to completion and will be a shelf-ready project for when funding becomes available.

​Wiley Park Playspace

Wiley Play Playspace is currently in design phase. The concept design is now on exhibition and you are invited to have your say to help us choose the play equipment in the playspace.

Have your say on Wiley Park Playspace

Help us choose the play equipment in the playspace.