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Consultation has concluded
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A draft Generic Plan of Management for Community Land and Crown Land for CB City has been prepared. The aim of the document is to ensure that planning for Council’s valuable parks, sportsgrounds and natural areas meets the current and future needs of the diverse and growing population.
It is the first generic Plan of Management for community and Crown land for the amalgamated City. It will govern the use and management of community and Crown Land owned or managed by Council.
The Plan of Management complies with the requirements of both the Local Government Act 1993 and the Crown Land Management Act 2016.
The Plan of Management aims to maximise access to passive and active recreation facilities for local and regional users, and includes the purposes for which leases and licences will be considered for each category of open space. The document includes performance targets for the protection and restoration of the City’s valuable bushland.
The document will be on public exhibition on Council’s website from Wednesday 25 November 2020 to Friday 26 February 2021.
Since the draft Plan of Management was endorsed by Council for public exhibition in June, Council has proposed to construct a community centre in Thurina Park, Villawood. Subsequently the community land categories in the draft document require modification to allow such a building. It is proposed to add the category General Community Use to the current categories Sportsground and Park (see maps in Document Library on this page). It is also proposed to change the category of Griffith Park, Bankstown, to General Community Use instead of Park. This is to allow more flexibility of uses in this area, which is adjacent to the Bankstown Arts Centre. This area will soon be the subject of a precinct masterplan.
Community briefing
A Zoom community briefing was held on 15 December explaining the document. The public hearing report is available below.
How to have your say
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.