Consultation has concluded


Transport for NSW is proposing to upgrade a 1.3-kilometre length of Henry Lawson Drive, from Keys Parade, Milperra, to Tower Road, Bankstown Aerodrome. The proposal plans to create two lanes in each direction along Henry Lawson Drive, including the duplication of the Henry Lawson Drive road bridge to the south of Auld Avenue, Newbridge Road/Milperra Road intersection. The Tower Road intersection will be upgraded to provide additional right turn lanes, and the Auld Avenue intersection will be upgraded to a left-in, left-out arrangement.

The proposal is subject to assessment under two planning pathways: a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) under Part 5 of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under Part 4 of the EP&A Act. The majority of the proposal is subject to Part 5 of the EP&A Act and a REF. This process is being managed separately by Transport for NSW as the determining authority, and submissions about the broader proposal should be directed to

However, small parts of the proposal fall on land mapped under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management, 2018) as Coastal Wetlands. That part of the proposal (referred to as the ‘EIS proposal’) is subject to approval under Part 4 of the EP&A Act and requires consent from City of Canterbury Bankstown. This development is classified as designated development. The applicant is Transport for New South Wales and the consent authority is City of Canterbury Bankstown.

Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, face-to-face engagement is on hold. We invite you to have your say by completing the online feedback form below.

This proposal

EIS proposal area one – Henry Lawson Drive opposite Tower Road

The key features of EIS proposal area one are:

• Widening of Henry Lawson Drive northbound lanes;

• Installing of fill embankments along the edge of the new carriageway to meet existing ground levels;

• Extending existing stormwater culvert and installing outlet scour protection measures;

• Installing additional stormwater drainage infrastructure and water quality treatments;

• Installing a vegetated channel along the toe of the new fill embankment;

• Adjusting the existing shared path to suit the new re-alignment and connect it back to the existing path; and

• Installing road furniture, including road safety barriers.

EIS proposal area two – Milperra Road opposite Bankstown Airport

The key features of the EIS proposal area two are:

• Installing a new bus stop relocated from its existing position on Milperra Road;

• Installing a section of a new footpath to the bus stop (connecting to the remainder of the new path to Henry Lawson Drive – REF proposal);

• Installing fill embankments along the edge of the new carriageway to meet existing ground levels;

• Extending existing stormwater culvert and installing outlet scour protection measures;

• Installing additional stormwater drainage infrastructure connecting to the outlet of the extended culvert; and

• Installing road furniture, including road safety barriers.

EIS proposal area three – Henry Lawson Drive opposite Auld Avenue

The key features of the EIS proposal area three are:

• Removing of existing ancillary structures;

• Installing temporary fencing, flagging of exclusion boundaries and temporary erosion and sediment controls for use as an ancillary facility and construction area;

• Installing fill embankments along the edge of the new carriageway to meet existing ground levels; and

• Stabilising the ground surface following the completion of construction to minimise erosion.

The description of the land on which the development is proposed to be carried out is as specified:

No 272 Milperra Road, MILPERRA
No 274A Milperra Road, MILPERRA
No 439 Henry Lawson Drive, MILPERRA
No 441 Henry Lawson Drive, MILPERRA
No 256A Henry Lawson Drive, BANKSTOWN AERODROME

How to have your say

Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.