What we heard from you
At engagement pop-ups, meetings and a survey in November 2017 and June 2018 you told us your ideas and aspirations for Hurlstone Memorial Reserve:
- Hurlstone Park needs a community space / hub
- This space should have multi-purpose uses for both passive and active recreation
- The park landscape and current amenities should be upgraded
- Native planting and sustainable design are important
- Walking and exercise is highly valued in this space
- An upgraded playground, more trees and a community garden would be important park features
Your feedback, along with consideration of flood risk and proximity to transport and other community meeting spaces, helped to shape this project.
- Community space concept designs: March 2020
- Community Space Construction 2022
- Master plan for the reserve: this is a long-term vision for the reserve and opportunities for funding will be considered in future budgets.
What is proposed
We’ve listened and prepared a vision for Hurlstone Memorial Reserve with opportunities for every resident to engage in the reserve in their own way.
A multipurpose meeting room with covered outdoor breakout space, toilet facilities and kitchenette will provide a new hireable space for local groups to gather. Additionally, associated amenities will provide the village centre with a much-needed public toilet.
A 20-year master plan for Hurlstone Memorial Reserve will create spaces that support a diverse range of activities at the same time. A walking loop, shade, native trees and flowers, upgraded play areas and gardens are some of the options we are seeking feedback on.
Reserve master plan