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Consultation has concluded

Clarification Regarding Planning Proposal for 34 Allan Avenue and Benda Street Reserve at Belmore (PP-2022-239)

In relation to Council’s recent exhibition on the Planning Proposal for 34 Allan Avenue and Benda Street Reserve at Belmore, some enquiries have been received by Council on the proposed changes to Benda Street Reserve.

Council provides the following clarification:

(A) Amendments proposed to Benda Street Reserve:

  • This Planning Proposal does not intend to remove Benda Street Reserve. Benda Street Reserve will remain a public open space.
  • The key change proposed by this Planning proposal for Benda Street Reserve relates to the changes to its current zoning from R3 Medium Density Residential to RE1 Public Recreation so that this land reflects its current and ongoing future use as public open space.
  • Other changes relating to lot size, height of building and Floor Space Ratio (FSR), as shown in the Planning Proposal are to reflect the proposed zone, RE1 Public Recreation.

B) Amendments proposed to 34 Allan Avenue, Belmore

  • 34 Allan Avenue, Belmore is currently in private ownership, with a dwelling house on this land. However, the land is currently shown as open space in the zoning map, marked as Zone RE1 Public Recreation.
  • Council no longer seeks to acquire the land. This Planning Proposal therefore intends to rezone 34 Allan Avenue, Belmore to R3 Medium Density Residential Zone, remove it from the land acquisition list and make other amendments to the height of building, FSR and minimum lot size maps to reflect the proposed zone.

Council invites you to have your say on a Planning Proposal which intends to make the following amendments to the Canterbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 and the draft Canterbury Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2021.

For the land at 34 Allan Avenue in Belmore, the proposed changes are to:

  • Amend the zoning of the land from Zone RE1 Public Recreation to Zone R3 Medium Density Residential;
  • Permit a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 0.5:1;
  • Permit a maximum of 8.5m Height of Building;
  • Apply 460m² minimum Lot Size Area; and
  • Remove the subject site from the Land Reservation Acquisition Map.

For the land known as Benda Street Reserve in Belmore, the proposed changes are to:

  • Amend the zoning of the land from Zone R3 Medium Density Residential to Zone RE1 Public Recreation;
  • Remove a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 0.5:1;
  • Remove a maximum of 8.5m Height of Building; and
  • Remove the 460m² minimum Lot Size Area.

The intended outcome of the Planning Proposal for 34 Allan Avenue is to remove the intended land reservation (for public purposes) as the land is of low priority for Council’s purposes of acquisition. The intended outcome for Benda Street Reserve is to formalise the existing use of the reserve as a public open space.

The Minister for Planning has delegated the making of the Plan to Council, subject to the Planning Proposal being consistent with the requirements of the Gateway Determination.

Location Map

News update


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Wednesday 11 May 2022 - Friday 10 June 2022

    Exhibition Period

    This consultation is open for contributions.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Friday 10 June 2022 05:00 pm


    Contributions to this exhibition are closed, reviewed and reported back to the project team.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Report to Council

    The Proposal with a summary of the community feedback received over this exhibition period is considered by Council.

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Name Community Engagement Team

The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.