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Roberts Park Community Hub @ Greenacre

The Roberts Park Community Hub will be the new focal point for the Greenacre community comprising of a new Library and Knowledge Centre and flexible spaces for general community use.

The initial phase of the project will involve demolition of the current carpark and community hall facility. The new multi-purpose facility will include a:

  • 550 square metre multipurpose community centre with:
    • Large multipurpose hall with seating up to 150 people and kitchen access;
    • Medium sized meeting room with seating for up to 40 people with access to kitchenette facilities
  • 300 square metre Library and Knowledge Centre with two study rooms seating up to four and six people respectively;
  • 150 square metre internal shared space accommodating the building's foyer entrance and toilets;
  • External areas including an outdoor terrace connected to large multipurpose hall; and
  • Outdoor reading room/area connected to the library.

Landscaping and new carpark and footpaths will connect the Hub to Roberts Park's existing community assets i.e. Early Learning Centre, Greenacre Splash Park and Roberts Park sports field.

As a guide, finalisation of the design, development approval and procurement will take up to 18 months; construction for a project of this scale is expected to be 18-24months.

Site plan

Floor plan

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The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.