Consultation has concluded

Council invites you to have your say on the revised planning proposal to rezone land at 89-95 Karne Street North, Narwee, from R3 Medium Density Residential to B1 Neighbourhood Centre and to amend associated height and floor space ratio controls.

In February 2019, Council resolved to re-exhibit some proposed changes to the planning proposal for public comment. The change involves amending the maximum floor space ratio (FSR) from the exhibited FSR of 0.9:1 to the proposed FSR of 1.3:1

The planning proposal is the subject of a Gateway Determination dated 5 May 2018 and the Minister for Planning has delegated the making of this Plan to Council.

Have your say

Thank you to all those who have provided submissions. The final report has been adopted by Council.

Karne St North Narwee Planning Proposal Survey

Thank you for your interest in this exhibition, please lodge your submission below.

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