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Consultation has concluded
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At the Canterbury Bankstown Local Planning Panel meeting on 30 June 2020, the Panel adopted the Draft Consolidated Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to produce a single set of planning rules for the Canterbury Bankstown Local Government Area. Council is awaiting the finalisation of the Draft LEP by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
At the Ordinary Meeting on 8 December 2020, Council resolved to exhibit the Draft Consolidated Development Control Plan (DCP) and Guides to support the Draft LEP.
The next step is to exhibit the following documents for comment and feedback until Friday 5 March 2021:
- Draft Consolidated Development Control Plan (DCP)
- The Draft DCP is a planning document that provides additional planning rules to enhance the function, design and amenity of development. Examples of controls include storey limits, setbacks, building design and amenity, and landscaping and parking requirements.
The Draft DCP combines and aligns planning controls of the former Bankstown and Canterbury Councils, based on the vision set by Connective City 2036. It will replace the existing Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 and Canterbury Development Control Plan 2012.
- The Draft DCP is a planning document that provides additional planning rules to enhance the function, design and amenity of development. Examples of controls include storey limits, setbacks, building design and amenity, and landscaping and parking requirements.
- Draft Guides
- The Draft Guides are planning documents that provide additional requirements to support the Draft DCP and set out the information to be submitted with development applications. There are six Draft guides on exhibition, which include demolition and construction, engineering standards, heritage, landscape, tree management and waste management.
These draft planning documents must be taken into consideration when preparing and determining development applications.
You are encouraged to read the draft documents to see if there are any proposed changes relevant to you.
Where else can I view the documents?
The exhibited documents can also be viewed on a computer at Council’s Customer Service Centres during business hours:
- Council’s Customer Service Centre, Bankstown Branch, 66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown, 8.30am–5pm weekdays
- Council’s Customer Service Centre, Campsie Branch, 137 Beamish Street, Campsie, 9.00am-5pm weekdays
How to have your say
Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.
Draft DCP Summary
Summary of Draft Consolidated Development Control Plan (Draft DCP)
While the Draft DCP is primarily an administrative consolidation of Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 and Canterbury Development Control Plan 2012, the consolidation process will result in some proposed changes to the objectives and controls currently applying in the City of Canterbury Bankstown.
The Draft Consolidated Development Control Plan seeks to:
- Produce a single set of development controls for our City by combining and aligning Bankstown DCP 2015 and Canterbury DCP 2012 into a Consolidated Development Control Plan, as described below for each chapter:
Chapter | Description |
Chapter 1–Introduction | Provides information about the administrative provisions of the Draft DCP, such as the name of the DCP, adoption and commencement information, where the DCP applies, and how to use the DCP. |
Chapter 2–Site Considerations | Addresses site considerations, such as site analysis, flood risk and trees to determine whether a proposed development is a suitable use of a site, including consideration of the likely off–site impacts of the proposal. |
Chapter 3–General Requirements | Addresses issues that are likely to arise for most types of development, such as engineering standards, parking, waste management, sustainable development, subdivision, signs, and landscaping. |
Chapter 4–Heritage | Apply former Canterbury controls for heritage items, and development in the vicinity of heritage items, to the whole LGA. Apply one set of general controls to all Heritage Conservation Areas. These will replace the controls that currently apply to the Ashbury Heritage Conservation Area. Area Character Statements
have also been prepared for Ashbury Heritage Conservation Area, and are
in the Heritage Guide. |
Chapter 5–Residential Accommodation | Addresses different types and forms of residential accommodation. It provides objectives and controls that guide specific residential land use types such as dwelling houses, dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing, secondary dwellings, boarding houses and residential flat buildings, and other issues like livable housing. |
Chapter 6–Strategic Centres | Provides specific provisions for the Bankstown and Campsie strategic centres as identified by Connective City 2036. |
Chapter 7–Commercial Centres | Provides specific provisions for centres within Zones B1 and B2 as identified by Connective City 2036. These include local, village, small village, and neighbourhood centres. |
Chapter 8–Employment Lands | Provides specific provisions for employment lands within Zones B5, B6 and B7 as identified by Connective City 2036. These include the Canterbury Road and Hume Highway Enterprise Corridors. |
Chapter 9–Industrial Precincts | Provides specific provisions for industrial precincts within Zones IN1 and IN2 as identified by Connective City 2036. |
Chapter 10–Other Development |
Addresses other types of development that are not covered by chapters 5–9. It provides objectives and controls that guide these types of developments, such as child care facilities, schools, places of public worship, home businesses, telecommunications facilities, sex services premises, amongst others. |
Chapter 11–Key Development Sites | Facilitates the appropriate development of key development sites. It ensures development has regard to its context and is compatible with surrounding development and the desired character of the area. |
- Implement the following key changes:
Chapter | Proposed changes |
Chapter 2 (Flood Risk Management) |
Chapter 3 (Engineering Standards) |
Apply the former Canterbury control to the LGA in
relation to stormwater disposal, which enables Council to consider the use of pump–out
systems as a last option for sites sloping away from the street, in the event
that a drainage easement cannot be created or the use of an alternative
drainage method (such as charged line or transpiration system) is determined to
be unachievable.
Chapter 3 (Parking) |
Chapter 4 (Heritage) |
Chapter 5 (Residential Accommodation) |
Chapter 7 (Commercial Centres) |
Chapter 10 (Schools and Places of Public Worship) |
Draft Guide Summary
Summary of the Draft Guides
The Draft Guides sets out the technical information and specifications that supports the development controls in the Draft DCP. Each of the Draft Guides relates to the relevant chapter in the Draft DCP.
- Demolition and Construction Guide
This Guide contains technical information to ensure demolition and construction works are safe, do not impact on the city, and are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation requirements. - Engineering Development Guide
This Guide contains technical information to ensure developments provide a satisfactory level of engineering infrastructure, minimise impacts on surrounding sites, and protect Council’s assets. - Heritage Guide and Heritage Conservation Area Character Statements
This Guide contains technical information on heritage and application requirements to ensure that developments consider the heritage significance of a heritage item and/or a conservation area. It also contains Area Character Statements which provide more detailed information about the character of the conservation areas, and building contribution rankings - Landscape Guide
This Guide contains technical information to ensure development integrates with the landform, protects ecological and habitat values, provides deep soil zones, and promotes native species in landscape designs. - Tree Management Guide
This Guide contains technical information to support the tree management controls in the DCP. It contains information on tree management, tree pruning, and tree planting. - Waste Management Guide
This Guide contains technical information to support the waste management controls in the DCP. It focuses on ensuring development implements optimal waste management systems that are fully integrated with Council’s servicing system.