Consultation has concluded
At the Ordinary meeting of 27 February 2018, Council resolved that a planning proposal be prepared to amend Canterbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 in relation to land at 20-21 Boorea Avenue, Lakemba.
A planning proposal has been prepared to add residential care facility as an additional permitted use for the subject site at 20 and 21 Boorea Avenue and to increase the floor space ratio controls from 1:1 to 2:1 on 21 Boorea Avenue, Lakemba for a residential care facility.
A Gateway Determination has been issued by the Minister for planning to allow the planning proposal to proceed subject to conditions and has not authorised Council to be the local plan making authority.
To view more information on the applicant initiated planning proposal Ref: PP_2018_CBANK_004_00 related to 20 and 21 Boorea Avenue, Lakemba, click here.
Exhibition Period
The exhibition period for the Planning Proposal for 20-21 Boorea Avenue Lakemba was from 29 October to 5pm, Friday 29 November 2019.
Have your say
Thank you to all those who have provided their feedback. Submissions are now closed and under review with Council.
For more information
If you would like to discuss this project, please contact the Engagement team on 9707 9602.
Planning Proposal for 20-21 Boorea Avenue Lakemba
Consultation has concluded