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Consultation has concluded

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Nearly a third of our local community is aged 50 or over, and with our population ageing this is only going to increase. Ageing residents are an important part of our community. They pass on their knowledge, stories and legacies to the younger generation.

As we all age, our needs and wants change. But what we want and need changes based on our situation, values, personal experiences and cultural background. It is important that these needs are met, and that our ageing community members continue to live a meaningful life. This is why we are prioritising our Positive Ageing Plan.

Maria Athanasopoulos (CBCity Active Ageing Officer): Hi there, it’s Maria, your Active Ageing Officer. We’re creating Canterbury-Bankstown’s Positive Ageing Plan, to guide and direct how we plan and develop the City, to better meet your needs as seniors. So do our survey, and have your say. Here’s what you’ve told us already.

George (resident): I like to live in Canterbury. There is a lot of shopping facilities you can go close to you, you can go around with a bus and even with your car or you can walk sometimes. I’m living 20 years now - 21 years. I’m very happy with the neighbours. We’re not arguing, we are friendly. One of the best Council’s I can say in Sydney.

Tri (local volunteer): My wife is working in Bankstown. We have a lot of friends in Bankstown. My daughters live in Bankstown area. I don’t want to go anywhere else. Just stay here in Bankstown.

Sandra and Joyce (residents and local volunteers): We like living in Canterbury-Bankstown. It provides a lot for the older generation to move around the local area. We both enjoy doing Meals on Wheels. All the opportunities are here for us. You’ve got the parks down at Lake Gillawarna, down to the Cooks River. People are friendly.

Olga (resident): I lived in the Canterbury-Bankstown area most of my life. I’ve worked here, schooled here, my kids grew up in the area. We work around here as well. We like the suburb. It’s close to family, the shopping centres are quite good as well.

Denis and Lynette (residents and local volunteers): We enjoy being close to the Georges River, and the parks around the Georges River are really great for families and the walks are so good too. I think Bankstown has everything for people who want to live in the area actually.

Graeme (resident and local volunteer): I retired in 2010 and it gave me the opportunity to take up cricket umpiring being a cricket lover. It’s been very, very rewarding and I was particularly chuffed when we had visiting teams always praising the grounds and the fields that we played on. It made you very proud to be part of the Bankstown community.

Lyn (resident and CBCity staff member): Hi everybody, this is a great opportunity to have your say, so go to the Council’s website, click on the link to the Have Your Say page, and they’d loved to see your feedback on the Positive Ageing Plan. Thanks everybody.

The Positive Ageing Plan 2022 - 2026

The Plan aims to guide us and our community on what seniors and our ageing population need in order to age safely and comfortably in Canterbury-Bankstown. It will ensure their continued well-being.

Our Plan will align with the NSW Ageing Strategy 2021-2031, and the four priorities, as identified by seniors in NSW being:

  1. Living in age-friendly environments
  2. Participating in inclusive communities
  3. Staying safe, active and healthy
  4. Being resilient and informed

We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Provide us with your feedback to better inform how we should address the needs, priorities and challenges of our ageing community. Your feedback will guide our four-year Strategy and Action Plan to better support our ageing population to live well and meaningfully.

How to have your say

Thank you for your interest in this exhibition. Submissions are now closed. All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community Consultation

    1 December 2021 - 29 May 2022. This is an opportunity for members of the community and service providers to contribute to the plan.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete


    The draft Positive Ageing Plan 2024 - 2028 was exhibited for public comment, you can view it here.

Contact Us

If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact us via the following:

Contact Information
Name Community Engagement Team

The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge the First Peoples’ continuing importance to our Canterbury-Bankstown (CBCity) community.